Siege Of Yorktown Battles of the American Revolution Sterling Silver Clad Coin marks the historical battle between a young American Army and the British Redcoats of the British Empire. With the battle at hand and displayed with incredible detail the Siege of Yorktown dates are displayed (September 28, 1781 to October 19, 1781) in this fine Sterling Silver clad commemorative coin. This collectible coin has General George Washington on his steed Nelson displayed in a triumphant pose with his dates of birth and death from February 22, 1732 to December 14th, 1799. The Yorktown Campaign of 1781 was supported by the French army and navy until Washington’s forces defeated Lord Charles Cornwallis’ veteran army dug in at Yorktown, Virginia. Victory at Yorktown led directly to the peace negotiations that ended the war in 1783 and gave America its independence.
The Siege Of Yorktown Battles of the American Revolution Sterling Silver Clad Coin is one of a series of Battles of the American Revolution Coins that makes a great part of any patriotic coin collection.
Siege Of Yorktown Battles of the American Revolution Sterling Silver Clad Coin Product Details
- Highly detailed 3D Coin
- Stirling Silver Clad
- 4 mm thickness
- 2″ Size
The Battle of Bunker Hill Battles of the American Revolution Coin is just one example of the complete set of American Revolutionary War coins offered exclusively by Vision-Strike-Coins.Com. This full collectible coin set includes the Battle Of Saratoga, the Battle Of Bunker Hill, Battle Of Lexington, Battle Of Yorktown, Trenton, Lexington and Concord and the siege of Boston. Each of these masterfully designed and constructed military campaign coins are unique in their approach to both quality and detail. The 3 dimensional design and old world look brings the history of America and her early years to the forefront and serves as a reminder of our heritage and the sacrifices our early Americans made to bring forth a unified United States free from tyranny and oppression. If you have any questions regarding the Siege Of Yorktown Battles of the American Revolution Stirling Silver Clad Coin please email us at
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