Earth shattering Popeye Versus Mars Coin…Why not? NASA has sent probes to Mars and landers, we have had satellites reach for the heavens of Mars and take their incredibly expensive photo ops of the plant Mars’s surface and seen the chasms and places where water may have existed. Disney has populated Mars with their war raging green Martians. Hollywood sent Matt Damon a biologist to Mars where he barely escaped with his life. Remember that where he was on Sol like 450 plus and popping potatoes like they were going out of style and they were.
Arnold went to Mars also in Total Recall and look at how that sky turned out. A perfect red planet suddenly turned blue and we know how bad blue run democratic planets seem to work out. So we had to make a Popeye Verses Mars challenge coin because when it comes to creating challenge coins we know no Earthly bounds.
Well it’s time to get a patriotic American to Mars and we have just the right guy: Popeye!
This patriotic cartoon with arms made of dynamite and perfectly equipped diet of Spinach has him already the perfect candidate for the space program that will send the next American to Mars. Even Elon Musk and SpaceX didn’t see this one coming. In fact when Elon sees this Earth shattering Popeye Versus Mars Coin he will want it for his private collection rest assured. He wants innovation at every turn well in the world of challenge coins we are producing pure innovation for him and the rest of the planet.
Matt Damon would still there waiting for Popeye to save him. Help me Popeye for I’m a stupid actor and cant help myself without a script or Hollywood funding. Popeye Versus Mars!
Bluto Beat Us To Mars
Nobody is perfect and even though NASA planned the Earth shattering Popeye Versus Mars Coin for this coming year Bluto beat us. He is in for the fight of his life when Popeye lands because the next battle for the heavens will be on Mars and we are sending America’s best. Space Force did not take our calls for comment so we are sending in this heavyweight and he will clean their clocks when he makes touchdown. Bluto had better be ready for the game of the century.
Earth shattering Popeye Versus Mars Coin

Vision-Strike-Coins has been licensed by Popeye the Sailor for over 10 years. We take pride in designing and creating the best Popeye challenge coins and gifts available. Thank you for your continued patronage and we look forward to bringing you more Popeye licensed products in the future! We have more Popeye challenge coins to choose from and will keep making them as long as they keep letting us.
Most everyone has grown up watching Popeye cartoons and laughing at his rambunctious antics saving Olive Oil from the clutches of Bluto, Brutus or the Sea Hag. Every ow and then little Sweet Pea gets in trouble making Popeye leave his comfortable element chasing over high seas pursuing the bad guys.
During World War 2 Popeye took on the Japanese after their ruthless sneak attack on Pearl Harbor fighting the Nips in the Pacific along with the US Navy clearing the oceans of those yellow huns. Then after the Bataan Death march it was no holds barred leading to the A-Bomb being dropped!
No in the modern age we are expanding into the heavens reaching the stars planning to go to Mars with colonist within the next century. Space Force was created just for this and soon all will be wanted to join in the pioneering spirit of America! Popeye Versus Mars Coin Launches!