Army Challenge Coins With Character
This we’ll defend! The United States Army since its birth in 1775 (One year older than the USA) has come from a long line of traditions and history. Going back to World War 1 the military challenge coin has been every part of this history and tradition. Army challenge coins are symbolic of the accomplishments of the United States Army, they represent the Army units, its Soldiers, leadership and its dedication to preserving the freedoms of the United States. Our soldiers have been in every conflict, battle and war since America was first formed and they have carried the banner of freedom since day one. Their Army challenge coins have carried that banner of success from generation to generation.
Army challenge coins are iconic of the accomplishments, honor and history of the US Army and its Soldiers. Army challenge coins identify a military unit like an Army Division, Brigade Combat Team, Infantry regiment or possibly a field artillery battalion. Army military units we have designed Army challenge coins include the 101st Air Assault Division, 1st Armored Division, 82nd Airborne Division, 1st Cavalry Division (The First Team) and many more.
Unit commanders hand their Soldiers an Army challenge coin because of their fierce dedication and actions of going above and beyond the call of duty. Excellence in their duties, the units served with, special accomplishments, experiences, an acknowledgement and living memory of ones career in the United States Army is what an Army challenge coin represents. Vision-Strike-Coins.Com designed for the highest military rank in the US Army when President Trump was elected in 2016 and made a Commander In Chief for him. This was their first President Coin they created. We were honored to do so.
What Makes the Perfect Military Challenge Coin?
A frequent question asked among challenge coin collectors is the origin of the military challenge coin. Lots of opinions it was first identified when a US Army Soldier in WW1 attempting to return to friendly lines was stopped by French Soldiers. Unable to speak French he presented them with a toke, a small metal item with the identity of his military unit displayed on its surface. They challenged him. He presented a coin. He passed safely to his unit. Other discussions involve that the first official use of military unit coins comes from the US Army’s 17th Infantry during the Korean War. Every branch of the United States Armed Forces have their challenge coins but the diversity of both shape, design and display of art resounds with the US Army.
Our US veteran art team focus on team culture and unit history never swaying from the Army continuance of of its coins to illustrate a connection to its first ever unit coins, each having a unique sense of tradition, personality and character. If you’re looking for the perfect design, a good place to start is with a unit crest, a slogan, motto, call sign, unit’s mascots and emblems like many of our favorite Army challenge coins designed by Vision Strike Coins.
Coming Up With a Custom Army Challenge Coin Design
Whether its the 75th Ranger Battalions (RLTW!), the Big Red One of the 1st Infantry Division and their 11 Bravos or maybe the Muleskinners of the 10th Mountain and their slogan “Climb To Victory “, or maybe a military units indelible name like the 1st Armored Division “Old Ironsides”! The United States Army is head to toe filled with incredible opportunities to design a masterful Army challenge coin that will honor the unit or its Soldiers for whom it was designed and intended. The 101st Air Assault Division has its slogan of “Rendezvous With Destiny”! You can’t imagine the hundreds of possible ideas that alone can be accomplished with just this name, slogan and imagery when designing a US Army challenge coin.
The uniqueness of an Army challenge coin can also come out when you look at the tools of the trade, whether its crossed rifles, a howitzer or artillery piece, a sustainment unit needed to keep the troops well equipped and in the fight, a cavalry unit with its white and red flag so well recognized or maybe working with the distinguished unit insignia (DUI) that nearly every US Army unit has or wears on its berets. There is no shortage for inspiration and design ideas when it comes to a US Army challenge coin and no better time to get started.